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Step-by-step resources for using video to advocate for human rights.

How to Make Videos for Change

Video Series: short video that present the fundamentals in video production needed to help you create videos that affect change.

How to Film with a Mobile Phone

Quick tips for effectively capturing video on a mobile phone.

Filming Protests & Police Abuse

Quick tips for safely and effectively filming protests and police misconduct.

Mastering Depth of Field With Your DSLR

Video: Covering the basics of depth of field on DSLRs when filming for human rights.

How to Film a Protest

Video Series: Short videos that demonstrate how to best prepare to film, choose and test your equipment, get good footage, film as part of a team and conduct interviews.

Video as Evidence: Basic Practices for Capturing, Storing and Sharing

PDF: How to safely, ethically and effectively use video to document abuse, support the process of bringing perpetrators to justice, and help free the wrongly accused.

Ethical Guidelines for Using Videos in Human Rights Reporting and Advocacy

PDF: Considerations for journalists, activists, archivists and others who utilize eyewitness footage in investigations, reports and human rights documentation.

How to Preserve Your Videos

Video Series: Why archiving is important and what you need to know to preserve your videos.

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