Feministing Archives - WITNESS https://www.witness.org/tag/feministing/ Human Rights Video Tue, 13 Aug 2013 17:24:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 76151064 Feministing Covers Release of WITNESS' Guide on Interviewing Survivors of Gender-Based Violence https://www.witness.org/feministing-covers-release-of-witness-guide-on-interviewing-survivors-of-gender-based-violence/ https://www.witness.org/feministing-covers-release-of-witness-guide-on-interviewing-survivors-of-gender-based-violence/#respond Tue, 13 Aug 2013 17:24:04 +0000 http://w.witness.org/?p=1256 Feministing, the influential feminist blog and community, highlights WITNESS’ recently released guide, Conducting Safe, Effective and Ethical Interviews with Survivors of Sexual and Gender-based Violence, with an interview with the guide’s author, Rose Anderson.

Says Rose about WITNESS’ motivation to write the guide:

Through our experience training and working with activists around the world, it has become clear that there is a need for guidance on filming interviews with survivors in a safer, more effective and ethical way. Poorly–conducted interviews that do not respect the rights and dignity of survivors have the potential to harm interviewees- which goes against the number one-rule in human rights video: doing no harm.

You can read Feministing’s review of the guide, and further comments from Rose, at feministing.com.

Updates on issues surrounding our work on Gender-Based Violence can be viewed on the WITNESS Blog.

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