video Archives - WITNESS Human Rights Video Wed, 05 Dec 2018 17:43:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 76151064 WITNESS to lead Video Preservation Workshop at British Film Institute Fri, 19 Oct 2018 20:43:22 +0000 WITNESS Senior Archivist Yvonne Ng will lead a workshop at the third annual No Time to Wait conference in London on October 26. This conference is a free two-day symposium focused on open media, open standards, and digital audiovisual preservation hosted by British Film Institute and

The event will feature presentations and discussion on topics such as:

  • active open media standardization projects
  • seeking consensus in audiovisual preservation strategy
  • examination of open media use in film and video digitization
  • validation and conformance checking of audiovisual formats
  • integration of open source tools into archival workflow
  • examples of cross-community collaboration and skill-sharing
  • developments in open media

If you can’t make it to the conference, make sure to sign up as a “remote participant” and catch the livestream! You can register for the livestream here and find more details of the conference here.

WITNESS Gets Real at International Documentary Association Conference Thu, 27 Sep 2018 15:43:01 +0000 This week, our U.S. Program Coordinator Palika Makam joined activists and journalists in Los Angeles at the International Documentary Association’s “Getting Real” conference.

Getting Real is a biennial conference on documentary media. The three-day conference attracts over 800 participants and is the only gathering of its kind in North America. Palika participated in a panel titled, Journalists Under Threat and spoke about best practices for being safe while reporting on critical human rights abuses.

Today, Palika will be moderating a panel titled, Duty of Care – Protecting Vulnerable Sources, which will focus on protecting sources who report on human rights abuses from the frontlines.

You can follow Palika on Twitter here.

WITNESS joins EIUC to train Young Professionals about Human Rights and Film Mon, 20 Aug 2018 17:02:20 +0000 WITNESS is extremely excited to announce that we will be partnering with the Global Campus of Human Rights at the European Inter‑University Centre for the 13th Cinema Human Rights and Advocacy Summer School in Venice from August 27th to September 5th. The 10-day intense training is aimed at young professionals wishing to broaden their understanding of the connections between human rights, films, digital media and video advocacy.

The program aims to foster participatory and critical thinking on urgent human rights issues, debate with experts and filmmakers from all over the world during the 75th Venice International Film Festival and learn how to use films as a tool for social and cultural change.

Our Senior Attorney and Program Manager Kelly Matheson will conduct a few sessions on how to use video for change, advocacy and evidence for human rights.

You can find the entire schedule and more details about this exciting training here.

WITNESS & BDS Join Hands to Empower Immigrant Communities Wed, 01 Aug 2018 16:47:24 +0000 On July 19, WITNESS and Brooklyn Defender Services (BDS) hosted an event that gave an up-close look into the work being done to empower immigrant communities in their fight against Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials. The evening featured a screening of “We Have Rights,” a series of powerful animated short films created to equip immigrant communities with knowledge to safely defend themselves and exercise their rights during encounters with ICE, including information on how to document these encounters.

The screening was followed by a conversation on the importance of storytelling, documentation and knowing your rights in the current immigration landscape. This conversation was led by Emma Whitford, a journalist focusing on the human impact of immigration enforcement, and featured filmmaker Abby Goldberg, Supervising Attorney of Immigration at BDS Nyasa Hickey, survivor of family separation, Carlos de Jesus, and our very own U.S. Program Coordinator Palika Makam.

After the panel, our U.S. team held an impromptu training on how you use your cell phone to document abuses against immigrant communities, learn more about your rights, and how you can support grassroots organizations working on the frontlines of immigration justice.

Head over to our Facebook page to watch a video recap of the event.

WITNESS’ immigrants’ rights work featured in New York Magazine Mon, 23 Jul 2018 20:53:12 +0000 As ICE continues to tear families apart and spread horror here in the United States, we collaborated with New York Magazine and The Marshall Project in order to share our guidance on filming interactions with ICE officers.

In the article and accompanying video, we share practical tips for those who may be most vulnerable to these increased ICE raids and arrests, as well as practical considerations for any of us who may be witnesses to these events.

Through the strategic use of eyewitness video, we are creating a new era of transparency and pathways to justice. Visit our library to check out free resources on how to deal with ICE officers and how to document their abuses safely, ethically, and effectively. 

WITNESS FEATURED IN WIRED UK Thu, 28 Jun 2018 17:29:07 +0000 We are extremely pleased to announce that our Tech+Advocacy Program Manager Dia Kayyali was recently interviewed by Kate O’Flaherty, at WIRED UK about YouTube’s takedown of critical war crime evidence in Syria.

In the article titled, “YouTube keeps deleting evidence of Syrian chemical weapon attacks,” Dia along with our partners at the Syrian Archive, spoke about the importance of these videos and the complexity of the Google algorithm.

“Algorithmic transparency, in general, is a huge issue, but even more for content takedowns. They don’t have any outside auditing, and that’s a basic necessity of transparency. We don’t know the details of the algorithm: we have pushed and pushed, but we still don’t know,” Dia said.

To read the entire article, click here.

Indigenous Voices: Using Video for Advocacy & Evidence Tue, 20 Mar 2018 19:50:18 +0000 Join us and the Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples on Wednesday, April 11 from 3-4p.m. (ET), for a webinar on using video for advocacy. This one-hour online workshop will offer practical guidance for safely, ethically and effectively using video for advocacy and evidentiary purposes. We will also share examples of how Indigenous groups from around the world are using video in their work. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A.

We will cover:

– Overview of Video Advocacy Methodology

– Best Practices for Filming for Advocacy & Evidence

– Basic Digital Security Tips

– Mobile Equipment Recommendations

If you’re interested in learning how to use video to raise awareness, share important stories, or document violations against Indigenous peoples and territories, this will be a great introductory workshop!

For more details on the event, and to RSVP, click here.

WITNESS featured in O, The Oprah Magazine Fri, 16 Mar 2018 18:38:18 +0000 We are excited to announce that we have been featured in the April 2018 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine, founded by American media proprietor, talk show host, actress, producer, and philanthropist, Oprah Winfrey.

The article, “A Step by Step Guide to Filming an Injustice as a Bystander,” is part of the cover story feature “What Would You Stand Up For?” and highlights our guidance and resources on safe and ethical filming and provides insight on how to use the technology at our fingertips for human rights change and justice.

“Recording human rights abuses on video has the power to counter misleading narratives, spark investigations, and mobilize people. Video can even be used as evidence in court to secure justice for victims,” our U.S. Program Manager, Jackie Zammuto told the magazine.

The article dives into all the things one should account for before filming and sharing. To read the full article, click here.

Happy International Women’s Day! Thu, 08 Mar 2018 17:32:09 +0000 On this day, we celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women and all those who identify as women. March 8 also marks a call to action for accelerating gender equality. International Women’s Day (IWD) was first celebrated over a century ago- mainly across several European countries, but today IWD belongs to all groups inclusively everywhere.

This past year has been a game changer for women all around the world. On January 21, 2017, the Women’s March on Washington, D.C, drew a historic public display of support for women’s rights in a global mass protest, estimated to be the largest mass demonstration in U.S. history, which inspired women all around the world to march as well. Last fall, millions of women took to social media to share their experiences with sexual harassment in the workplace. The #MeToo campaign inspired women to share personal accounts of sexual harassment in 85 countries and counting. A Hindu woman from a lower caste has been elected to the Senate for the first time in Pakistan, a Muslim-majority country where religious minorities have long suffered intimidation and violence. In Mexico, a project by the name of Voces de Mujeres continues to highlight women’s stories of struggle and social transformation through visual mediums. 

This year, WITNESS teamed up with the multitalented Agunda Okeyo to produce a video on five things to never do when interviewing survivors of sexual violence. When conducting these interviews, it is important to get it right from the start. For more tips, click here.

Okeyo is a writer, producer, filmmaker and activist who was born in Nairobi and raised between New York and the Kenyan capital. Okeyo has been featured as a rising producer and activist in Time Out New York, The New Yorker, Essence, The Root, Black Enterprise, Forbes, Huffington Post and NBC. In 2016 she was named a Progressive Women’s Voices fellow with Women’s Media Center and joined the NYC board of Women, Action and the Media (WAM!NYC).

Read more about how WITNESS’ program teams from each region have been inspired by women and organizations across the world here.

Join WITNESS at the Internet Freedom Festival! Fri, 02 Mar 2018 20:29:03 +0000 Join us from March 5-8 at the Internet Freedom Festival (IFF) in Valencia, Spain as we conduct a series of workshops about human rights, video, technology and so much more! The IFF is a unique “unconference” that brings together attendees from all over the world who are fighting censorship and surveillance. We’re so excited to be participating this year!

Here are some sessions that we will be a part of:

  • Anti-oppression Principles for Global Internet Freedom and Human Rights Work Monday, March 5, 2:30-4:45 p.m. with Dia Kayyali, (WITNESS),  Kaustubh Srikanth (Totem), Elizabeth Rivera (IFEX/Global Voices/WITNESS), Sarah Aoun, (Mozilla Open Web Fellow/ Tandem)

This 2-hour long workshop will focus on finding solutions to the ways in which we recurringly see various privileges – such as being from North America or Europe, having light skin, or being a man–exert themselves in the human rights and internet freedom community.

Full description can be found on the IFF schedule here.

  • Going beyond Values Statements: Prioritizing Healthy Organizational Cultures – Tuesday, March 6, 12:15-1:15 p.m. with Nicolas Sera Leyva of (Social Media Exchange/SMEX), Dragana Kaurin (Localization Lab) Nathalie Marechal (PhD Candidate, USC Annenberg) Dia Kayyali (WITNESS)

This panel will be “an intentional conversation about the impact of organizational working cultures on the ability of individuals to go about their work in a healthy, positive, constructive manner. The ultimate goal of this session is to ignite a conversation which leads to a series of collaboratively developed standards – standards which organizations of all shapes and sizes in our community should embrace to demonstrate their commitment to we the individuals who advance their causes and serve our communities.”

Full description can be found on the IFF schedule here.

  • Right to Record – Wednesday, March 7, 10-12 p.m. with Dia Kayyali and others.

What is the right to record? We’re glad you asked. We see the right to record as the right of everyone, not just credentialed press,  to film the police and military when they are carrying out their duties.  If you are interested in learning more about the right to record or our research so far, want to join this work, or want to share your experiences with filming the police, please stop by!

  • WITNESS the Apps – Thursday, March 8, 12-2 p.m. with Dia Kayyali and the Guardian Project

We will be discussing the Android apps we have been working on with the Guardian Project. We will provide demos, and we would also love your feedback. We’ll have some special treats for folks who take a few minutes to chat with us about our apps. You can download ProofMode here and ObscuraCam here.

See you in Valencia!
