News and Events | nkerbyWITNESS is proud to announce that we’re a charity partner for the 2017 TD Five Boro Bike Tour. Join the team to fundraise and bike for human rights!
WITNESS is proud to announce that we’re a charity partner for the 2017 TD Five Boro Bike Tour. Join the team to fundraise and bike for human rights!
Our seven team runners are going 26.2 miles in an effort to raise money and awareness for WITNESS. Come join us in cheering them on!
We are excited to announce that WITNESS’ Mobil-Eyes-Us project was recently awarded a grant from the New Media Ventures Innovation Fund!
Our new video “Archive!”, shows you how you can preserve and archive video evidence that can help expose and verify human rights abuses.
Through an analysis of eyewitness video, the report looks at the climate of hate against the LGBTQ community in the U.S. and aims to address data shortfalls surrounding the prevalence of transphobic violence.
We are excited to present our fourth Team WITNESS runner spotlight. This month, Sam Anderson discusses his marathon goals and films that have made an impact on him.
The network helps shape policies and provide resources and trainings to journalists, reporters and organizations using eyewitness media in their reporting.
Columbia University’s Public Interest Law Fellow and public interest lawyer, Lizzie O’Shea joins WITNESS as the first Video as Evidence Fellow.
WITNESS is excited to announce the launch of a new guide designed to help researchers, journalists, students and philanthropists navigate and integrate digital data into their human rights work.
WITNESS’ Executive Director, Yvette Alberdingk Thijm, was recently honored in The Fourth Annual 40 Women to Watch Over 40 List.