News and Events | nkerbyWe are excited to present our third Team WITNESS runner spotlight. This month, audiovisual archivist Bryce Roe talks about video, her family, and marathoning!
We are excited to present our third Team WITNESS runner spotlight. This month, audiovisual archivist Bryce Roe talks about video, her family, and marathoning!
An interactive platform compiles footage from a territory inaccessible to international media and rights monitors.
Last week’s killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, and the attack on police in Dallas, once again thrust the role of eyewitness video in the spotlight. We provide resources and guidance for filming, sharing, curating and preserving video of police violence.
WITNESS presented on the use of video in an advocacy campaigns at the 2016 African Coalition for Corporate Accountability conference in Pretoria, South Africa.
WITNESS has worked alongside Brazilian activists for more than five years to strengthen their use of video to document human rights abuses in the lead-up to the 2016 Olympics, and to advocate for justice.
The project will source and analyze data from eyewitness videos of violence against transgender people. Our aim is to share this information to inform and create guidance for advocacy groups, journalists, law enforcement and tech companies to prevent re-victimization and end this discrimination.
International affairs student and data visualizer Niko Efstathiou joins us as the inaugural Google News Lab Fellow with the WITNESS Media Lab for Summer 2016.
Our online spring fundraiser is now underway. Donate now through the end of June and a generous supporter will double it!
WITNESS is a proud Charity Partner of the TCS NYC Marathon! Between now and the race, we’ll be profiling members of Team WITNESS to share a bit about them and why they chose to run in support of WITNESS. This week, we’re spotlighting filmmaker Alessandro Signore.
WITNESS is a proud Charity Partner of the TCS NYC Marathon! Between now and the race, we’ll be profiling members of Team WITNESS to share a bit about them and why they chose to run in support of WITNESS. First up is immigration lawyer and artist, Carolina MacWright.