Filming Hate Tips now available on video

WITNESS’ Asia-Pacific team adapted a new video from our Filming Hate tips – a primer for using video to document human rights abuses. “Filming Hate” guides activists through documenting abuses safely, providing context, verifying footage, and sharing that footage responsibly. We hope that the guidance enclosed will help millions of bystanders become witnesses, and hence human rights defenders, spurred to combat hatred by wielding a powerful weapon —their smartphone.

Whether it be hateful slurs directed at Muslim immigrants, acts of discrimination that target indigenous peoples, or violence against minority populations in South and Southeast Asia, hatred towards vulnerable communities is increasingly gaining momentum. Viral videos shared on social media in recent times have particularly played an important role in exposing violations against humanity that stoke the flames of hatred and prejudice.

To ensure that video footage of acts of hatred is verifiable and has evidentiary value in a court of law, there are certain tips and techniques that will augment the efforts of activists, journalists, filmmakers and citizens on the ground. It’s important to understand how you can help as a witness to hate-fuelled crime.

Translations in Burmese, Tamil and Sinhala will be available soon.
To learn more, follow our Asia-Pacific team on Twitter and Facebook.


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