WITNESS Social Media Toolkit

Bolster the fight for human rights—with a simple click! You can find our most updated messages, calls to action, and ultra-shareable images for the Twitterverse, Facebook world, and Insta-sphere. Everything you see here can be shared, remixed, reposted, re-tweeted to your heart’s delight.

By supporting WITNESS, you are taking action by using your voice to help expose the truth, generate awareness, and join the fight for justice and accountability, all in the name of human rights.

Hashtags: #Video4Change #IAmAWitness #BeAWitness


Eyes on ICE:

For Twitter & Instagram:

Filming encounters with #ICE can expose #humanrights abuses, deter violence, substantiate reports and serve as evidence. However, you must make sure to take your safety into account first. More tips on filming ICE here: https://wit.to/FilmingICE

These tip sheets and resources will tell you how to safely, ethically and effectively film immigration abuses by #ICE agents, Border Patrol, and other immigration enforcement officials: http://bit.ly/EYESonICE
Have you or anyone you know been a victim of abuse by #ICE or other #immigration? Log onto http://bit.ly/EYESonICE to find out how YOU can help expose their abuses.
For Facebook: 
If you or anyone you know has filmed an encounter with ICE, here are a few things that you should consider before sharing the video publicly: https://wit.to/FilmingICE
These tip sheets and resources will tell you how to safely, ethically and effectively film immigration abuses by ICE agents, Border Patrol, and other immigration enforcement officials: http://bit.ly/EYESonICE


For Twitter & Instagram: 
Want to use video in your #socialjustice campaign? Need tips on filming protests? Visit our free resource library! https://library.witness.org/
Do YOU want to make a difference by using #video, but not sure how? Log onto https://library.witness.org/ to find out how you can create #socialchange.
For Facebook: 
From basic production tips to more specific resources on topics ranging from archiving and how to use video as evidence, our library has you covered with free resources, guides, how-to videos and more in more than 20 languages. Check them out here: https://library.witness.org/

Did you recently film a protest or a rally and not sure how what to do with the video? Head over to https://library.witness.org/ to find out the next steps!



Our partners at Coletivo Papo Reto report that every 11 minutes, a black youth in Brazil is killed. Take action by sharing their message on your social timelines.














Sample Tweets

The power of video can bolster the fight for human rights change

I am a Witness and the world watches with me

I support @witnessorg because they will ensure that more video = more rights

…or click on the pics below for a simple and easy re-tweet!





Add a frame to your profile picture! Click HERE and type “WITNESS 25” into the search bar to find the #IAmAWitness frame.





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