
WITNESS Co-Hosts Convening With Partnership on AI and BBC on Protecting Public Discourse From AI-Generated Mis/Disinformation

At the end of May, WITNESS co-hosted a workshop in London with the Partnership on AI and the BBC to address the question:

As AI becomes more sophisticated and its techniques more accessible, how can organizations across technology, media, civil society, and the academic research community work together to coordinate strategies around the emergent threat of AI-generated mis/disinformation?

The workshop in London intended to:

  • Connect news and media organizations, key technology companies, researchers, and others,
  • Facilitate better understanding of the threats organizations currently face and will face in the future,
  • Promote development of potential solutions to those threats, and how these relate to existing technical and journalistic approaches as well as the global contexts of mis/disinformation,
  • Enable identification of tactics for better communication/coordination between participants, and
  • Allow participants to work together on the prolonged, positive development of AI in the context of mis/disinformation.

The full post, co-authored by WITNESS Program Director Sam Gregory, is available here.

At WITNESS, we work on ways to prepare for the challenges of emerging threats such as “deepfakes” and synthetic media. Recently, we published a report on how we can work together to detect artificial intelligence-manipulated media. Click here to learn more about WITNESS’ special initiative focused on the impact of these emerging threats.

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