WITNESS Founder Peter Gabriel and Pentagram partner for Art Auction

This week, WITNESS partnered up with Harry Pearce from Pentagram, an independent design consultancy founded in 1972 with offices all over the world, to auction off Pearce’s artwork.

Peter was first introduced to Harry Pearce in the early 1990s, who, with Lippa Pearce and then with Pentagram, imagined a new way creative business could partner with change-makers in the not for profit world.

The event gave guests an opportunity to purchase rare and single-edition prints from Harry Pearce’s award-winning Eating with The Eyes collection; signed by Harry Pearce and Peter Gabriel.

One hundred percent of the proceeds from the sale of the artwork were generously donated to WITNESS by Harry Pearce.

You can visit the pre-sale exhibition website where you can bid online and purchase limited-edition prints.

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