WITNESS hosts A Night for Change in Brooklyn, NY November 9

Join WITNESS on November 9 for A Night for Change as we celebrate the power of anyone, anywhere to use video and technology to protect and defend human rights. We’ll inform and inspire you with an evening filled with powerful stories, musical performances, and appearances from special guests.

Many people know us as a partner and force for change around the world. On November 9, we’ll focus our attention on the work we’re doing across the United States to provide guidance to immigrant communities and their advocates around filming ICE raids and agent activity; create and distribute tips for filming and safely sharing documentation of acts of hate like those committed in Charlottesville and ongoing attacks on members of the transgender community; partner with cop watching groups on a prototype database that better organizes citizen footage of police misconduct, increasing the possibility of accountability and justice; and address the spread of “fake news” through innovative tools like ProofMode, and continued pressure and collaboration with tech companies to develop better platform policies to curb the spread of misinformation.

At this critical moment in the U.S., you can help put powerful stories to work for human rights. Come together with WITNESS on November 9 to learn how!

Ready to buy tickets? Click here.

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