
WITNESS to Speak at Foreign Policy Magazine’s 100 Global Thinkers Event

On Tuesday, December 1, Matisse Bustos-Hawkes, WITNESS’ Associate Director of Communications and Engagement, will take part in Foreign Policy Magazine’s 2015 100 Global Thinkers event in Washington D.C. The event is a precursor to the publication of Foreign Policy’s yearly 100 Global Thinkers issue which will hit newsstands in coming weeks.

Matisse will speak on a panel titled “The Fourth Unsolvable Problem: The Future of Activism” at 2:45 P.M. She will be joined by Jim Obergefell, activist, realtor,  and IT consultant; Sonita Alizadeh, rapper and activist; Michael Faye, co-founder and executive chairman, GiveDirectly, co-founder and CEO, Segovia Technology; Robin Hammond, photographer; Andreja Pejic, supermodel and game changer; and Adejoke Tugbiyele, artist.

Follow the conversation on Twitter using the hashtags #ttrends and #globatthinkers.

You can hear more from previous Global Thinkers via Foreign Policy’s free podcasts on ITunes.


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